Awaken the power of your body.
A 5 days retreat to learn how to live a better life from your body.
Discover a way to live live in complete harmony with your body!
Allow yourself to make use of the hidden potential that most probably is currently going to waste...
Living in harmony with your body could become a reality more easily that anybody believes! In this retreat we focus on some simple – yet powerful – set of practices that will allow you to immediately start a more harmonious relationship with your body and experience the positive effects this has in your day-to-day life.
DwL is about using your body more efficiently to increase the quality of your life. After all, our body is the most powerful tool we have to express who we are and to relate to others; it is the physical place from where we experience our humanity.
You’ll discover why we choose to believe that our
body is powerful beyond our imagination!

I see dance being used as communication between body and soul, to express what it is too deep to find for words.
Ruth St. Denis
DANCING with LIFE [DwL] is the perfect space for those looking forward to substantially improve their body language and creating a more harmonious relationship with their bodies.
DwL has three main intentions:
- To equip you with a complete set of corporeal practices that will allow you to perform in ways you never thought possible.
- To challenge your current way of dealing and interacting with your body, taking it to a more powerful level.
- To enable you to build a compassionate and harmonious relationship with your body as an integral part of your Self.
To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful. This is power, it is glory on earth and it is yours for the taking.
Agnes De Mille
DwL is the perfect space for you to:
- experience your body from the perspective of several schools of corporality,
- practice specific postures that will allow better performance,
- design your body language according to who you are/want to be,
- challenge the way you currently listen to what your body has to say,
- learn daily practices to co-exist more empathetically with/from your body,
- identify and perform your most powerful postures for different situations,
- receive direct and personal coaching on your body language,
- let your body speak out loud your true Self, and
- start a dramatic change in the way you perceive yourself and are perceived by others.
From 7th to 11th May 2025
La Cotufa.
One hour North of Lisbon, Portugal.
Standard price is €850.
Only this time we are offering a LOW COST version for half of that price celebrating the 10th DwL!
ONLY €425
(includes materials, accommodation and meals.)
31st March 2025 – Remember the places are limited to 8 participants, so if you want to take advantage of this opportunity, apply right away!

The People Hosting
Dancing with Life is mainly design and delivered by Dey Dos who has over 25 years of experience in working with somatic processes and other corporeal schools related to ways of being from our body (NLP, Ontological Coaching, Tai Chi Chuan, Sensorial Awareness, Body Awakening...)
Hendrik Berberich is a certified Coach and Yoga instructor and practitioner of Art of Hosting. He will be guiding the group through the process and offering personalized coaching to the participants as they walk the DwL journey.
Luis Rodriguez is a professional massage therapist and excellent chef as well as a host of learning experiences for over 20 years. He will be co-facilitating the retreat and treating us all with his fantastic cuisine.
Once I discovered what it truly means to live from my body everything changed,
I finally found that source of energy that I was looking for; it was always there, hidden within my body.
Dey Dos